The Elfin Knight
1: The Devil and the Maid

Versions from the Singing Tradition
1: The False Knight upon the Road
As sung by Belle Stewart, New Alyth, Blairgowrie, Perthshire
2: The False Knight upon the Road
As recited by Duncan Johnstone, Birnam, Dunkeld
3: The Dark Knight upon the Road
As sung by Martha (Peasie) Reid, Birnam, Dunkeld
4: The Dark Knight upon the Road
As sung by Ted Fury of Dublin in St Andrews, Fife
5: The Fause Knight on the Road
As sung by Danny Couper of Aberdeen at FifeSing2016
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As sung by Ronnie McDonald and his father John McDonald at Marshall's field, Alyth, Perthshire in August 1965. Recorded by Peter Shepheard.

There once was a fair maid went for a walk,
Blow, blow, blow ye wynds blow
She met a devil on the way.
The weary winds'll blow ma plaidie awa

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